
Since 2011, we have been operating a comparatively well-digitized but still quite conventional neurological practice in Kiel.

Over the years, this model has become increasingly anachronistic. While artificial intelligences have been operating globally for a long time and advertising-financed big tech knows more about us than we do ourselves, the natural intelligence still sits in its consulting room, sometimes without an Internet connection, to take care of the most important thing in human life: health.

In the process, health may not be sufficiently poor to counter-fund the health care apparatus with all its needs.

"What deprives the doctor of his bread?
a) Health,
b) death.
Therefore the doctor, that he may live,
keeps us suspended between the two."
Eugen Roth (1895-1976)

It would need a network of physicians who, free of institutional obligations and guidelines, cooperatively help with their expertise to promote your health.

The privacy-respecting and interest-free network already exists: web3 

  • Web1: read only (1990-2004): static web pages, owned by companies, no interaction between users.

  • Web2: read and write (2004 to today) Read-write Web, birth of the ad-financed revenue model. Users could create content, but did not own it or profit from its exploitation.

  • Web3: read, write, own: Web3 is decentralized, Web3 is permission-free, In Web3, there is no need to trust a few large corporations.


  • Medicine1: (until 2004) physician indexing of therapies and patients benefited from it.

  • Medicine2: (2004 to present) With the advent of DRGs, birth of business indication, patients repeatedly fail to benefit

  • Medicine3: decentralized, patient-focused, interest-free, direct, no need to rely on large corporations


Neuro3 is a Medicine3 start-up company. The core strategy is to use contemporary secure digital tools to enable direct doctor-patient contact without middlemen and expensive infrastructure, and to give you access to a doctor network of short service lines. Contemporary Medicine.



Booking of face-to-face and online appointments via Doctolib

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